Some nights from fun.'s 2nd album Some Nights
fun. is a New York City indie rock band that formed in 2008. I have seen the name around (unusual as it is caught my eye) but am not familiar with their sound... Or so I thought! Thank you Glee for making me a fun. fan before I was even aware I am! I had downloaded Glees cover of 'We are young' after the gang got back together (GLEEK). Positive and motivating. That is how I'd describe fun.
I want to see them at the Roseland May 29th.
This fire of Autumn from Tindersticks album The Something Rain
Something about this song stopped me in my tracks. Nobody sounds like Tindersticks today. Aesthetically pleasing, transforming me to a peaceful place, feeling hypnotized. Lovely instruments, exploring different movements. I'm transfixed. Wow. I don't see Portland on their map for 2012 tour, but I won't forget their name and will be looking for it the marquee.
Night Swim from Frankie Rose's album Interstellar
Love the whipping sound through out the song. Ha. I think if ABBA had formed in the 80s they would have sounded like Frankie Rose. That being said, I found myself shaking and nodding while reviewing. This doesn't happen often. Now if I could only understand the lyrics, I'd be set. This is Ms Rose's 2nd album to date. I do appreciate her clean website. Easy to load, read, and locate the info I needed. You can hear her play at the East End on April 23rd.
Field Music's 4th album Plumb
I kind of feel like the songs are all over the place. They are from the UK, and formed in 2004. Just a little experimental for me. They are listed as art rock. I guess that is appropriate! The track I picked is softer and seemed to flow rather than pop pop fizz fizz pop pop need an exceredin? I'm willing to listen to more and let Field Music show me what they are about. I wouldn't turn down tickets to Spain to see them perform with Wilco, Andrew Bird, Mazzy Star, James Vincent McMorrow and Julia Holter at the Forbidden Fruit Festival June 4th!
V Day Intro from Bobby V's V Day EP
This is Bobby Vs 5th album, and has collaborated with the likes of Ludacris and Timberland to name a couple. He's and R&B singer and has been acknowledged with nominations from NCAAP. Please listen to this intro. I think I just threw up. I'd rather be lonely on Valentines day than have Bobby V there for me. All I need is a dose of Bobby? Vitamin V. Yes, these are the lyrics.
The Legend from Pallbearer's latest album Sorrow and Extinction
Pallbearer is a 'doom metal' band from Arkansas. This is their debut album even though they formed in 2008. They are quoted to be 'Heralding and unleashing primal destruction upon the world.'. Well ok then!
Doesn't matter from Ital's album Hive Mind
This is Daniel Martin-McCormick's debut album as 'Ital'. Daniel was a part of the Black Eyed Peas and other collaborations. I can't find a whole lot more information on this guy, he seems to migrate from one project to another, under one moniker and then another. Very electronic. Very. Repetitive. Video game music mixed with top 40 music. No, not on the top of my music list this week...
How About I Be Me (And You Be You?) - the new single from Sinead O'Connor
This is quite the upbeat song for Sinead. Its a lovely love song, a tad raggae which surprised me. I'm not even sure I'd recognize Sineads voice if I didn't already know it was her singing. Its fun, give it a try. Her album is also released this week. Same title as the single.
Never my Love from Lambchop's 11th studio album Mr M.
Hometown of Nashville, 16 members. And apparently have been playing since 1986 yet I've never heard of them. Or perhaps I have and thought it was just a Shirley Lewis reference. Wikipedia says they are similar to Barry White and Marvin Gaye- I'm IN! With that said, none of the songs from this album sound even remotely like Marvin or Barry. Perhaps the previous albums sound more funky, but Mr M sounds more like Cat Stevens. I was highly disappointed when listening to the songs, listening for that bass and baritone sexiness. Instead I got the vibe of let's go light a candle, make flower necklaces, and read poetry.
So on, Nevada from Damien Jurado's 10th studio ambum Maraqopa
Damien's from Seattle, playing the music scene since '95. I have downloaded this song. Just stunning, reminds me of driving through Nevada, hitting Reno, Lake Tahoe, and Carson City. Makes me feel like everything will be alright, with the sun in my eyes, breeze flowing through my hair, slik scarf around my neck. You feel it too? He will be folking around at Holocene April 22nd with Peter Wolf Crier. I'm teetering on the yes side of attending. This stripped down version is endearing...
Oblivion from Grimes latest album Visions
This Canadian songstress plays 'wonky pop' so they say. This is her (Clair Boucher) third album since she started in 2010. She has a whimsical voice and techno band-sound, which only works about fifty percent of this album, for me. This song Oblivion is quite fun though. My blogging is too late to promote her show at the Holocene Feb 21st... Sorry folks. Anyways, I read a story about her and I have to quote it because paraphrasing it wouldn't to her justice.
"In 2009, Claire Boucher and a friend from school constructed a 20-foot houseboat, named the "Velvet Glove Cast in Iron," with the intention to sail it down the Mississippi River from Minneapolis to New Orleans. The cargo included chickens, a typewriter, 20 pounds of potatoes and a gifted copy of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Boucher and her companion adopted the names "Veruschka" and "Zelda Xox" for the trip. Due to engine trouble and subsequent harassment from the Minnesota police, the journey was cut short and the houseboat and chickens were impounded."
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
New Music Tuesday February 14, 2012
New music for Valentines Day. Enjoy
Say Goodbye from Amos Lee's new EP As the Crow Flies.
This is a sadly appropriate for my Valentines Day. I had to say good bye to my Aunt Lady.
She would have loved this song however. The picking of the guitar would get her grooving, and her spirituality matches the lyrics. Amos Lee is soulful like that, which is why so many Greats have had him open their shows. I keep missing his performances at the Oregon Zoo. One of these days I WILL see Amos live. and request his song Sweet Pea.
Parted Ways from Heartless Bastards 4th album Arrow.
I heard these guys late sunday night 2/12 on OPB Radio and made a mental note of the time (10:30ish) so I could look it up on the website the next day. I had to know who was singing. And they played back to back another Bastard song 'Got to have rock and roll'. Bastards are a little country and a little blues. I need more of their music. I abslutely recommend this band. And I am going to beg my boss for tickets to see them at the Aladdin April 8th. Just listen to them and tell me what you think. I don't care. I am in love and you can't sway me. I've already downloaded the two mentioned tracks.
Don't get married without me from Punch Brothers 3rd album Who's feeling young now?
These guys could also name their band Poor Bastards (to follow the Heartless Bastards)... They formed the band after all having broken hearts. They've been playing since 2006, and by the titles of their songs No Concern of Yours, Patchwork Girlfriend, and my pick, I don't think they have recovered yet. So why not release an album on the holiday of love? These guys are not droning or boring or whiney one bit. They sing like they are on stage with Charlie Chaplin at your County Fair in 1917. I am probably going to do more research and downloading of these boys. They know how to pick themselves up. Or atleast entertain...
It All Feels the Same from Tennis's second album Young and Old
Husband and Wife duo, and Wife has a beautiful voice. Their first album was a smash hit even though I have never heard of Tennis. I mean, I had lessons when I was 7 but I'm left handed and just felt turned around... Tennis has a nice 50s hawaii sound but not selling me completely on their incoming tidal waves... Pleasant enough though. The dup met in college, got married, sailed around the world, and started a band. What's not to love about that story?!
Cherokee Werewolf from Howlin Rain's 3rd album Russian Wilds
Blues rock n roll baby. Pretty original sound form these Franciscans. I'd listen to a tune or two, but a little hairband blues for me to earmark for future purchasing.
Same difference from Amoral's 5th album Beneath
This Finnish Band have been strumming since '97. I actually chuckled while listening to Amoral. Fantastic voice, rocker unique like Rush's Geddy Lee. I'd probably go see this band live... After all I enjoyed the Rush concert immensely.
Hallways from Islands new album A Sleep & a Forgetting
I heard them play on OPB Radio sunday night as well, and oh what fun. I almost got out of bed and started dancing. Keeping an eye out for this bands future projects. Also am highly considering going to Mississippi Studios March 11th. Listen and dare you to not shake the booty.
Say Goodbye from Amos Lee's new EP As the Crow Flies.
This is a sadly appropriate for my Valentines Day. I had to say good bye to my Aunt Lady.
She would have loved this song however. The picking of the guitar would get her grooving, and her spirituality matches the lyrics. Amos Lee is soulful like that, which is why so many Greats have had him open their shows. I keep missing his performances at the Oregon Zoo. One of these days I WILL see Amos live. and request his song Sweet Pea.
Parted Ways from Heartless Bastards 4th album Arrow.
I heard these guys late sunday night 2/12 on OPB Radio and made a mental note of the time (10:30ish) so I could look it up on the website the next day. I had to know who was singing. And they played back to back another Bastard song 'Got to have rock and roll'. Bastards are a little country and a little blues. I need more of their music. I abslutely recommend this band. And I am going to beg my boss for tickets to see them at the Aladdin April 8th. Just listen to them and tell me what you think. I don't care. I am in love and you can't sway me. I've already downloaded the two mentioned tracks.
Don't get married without me from Punch Brothers 3rd album Who's feeling young now?
These guys could also name their band Poor Bastards (to follow the Heartless Bastards)... They formed the band after all having broken hearts. They've been playing since 2006, and by the titles of their songs No Concern of Yours, Patchwork Girlfriend, and my pick, I don't think they have recovered yet. So why not release an album on the holiday of love? These guys are not droning or boring or whiney one bit. They sing like they are on stage with Charlie Chaplin at your County Fair in 1917. I am probably going to do more research and downloading of these boys. They know how to pick themselves up. Or atleast entertain...
It All Feels the Same from Tennis's second album Young and Old
Husband and Wife duo, and Wife has a beautiful voice. Their first album was a smash hit even though I have never heard of Tennis. I mean, I had lessons when I was 7 but I'm left handed and just felt turned around... Tennis has a nice 50s hawaii sound but not selling me completely on their incoming tidal waves... Pleasant enough though. The dup met in college, got married, sailed around the world, and started a band. What's not to love about that story?!
Cherokee Werewolf from Howlin Rain's 3rd album Russian Wilds
Blues rock n roll baby. Pretty original sound form these Franciscans. I'd listen to a tune or two, but a little hairband blues for me to earmark for future purchasing.
Same difference from Amoral's 5th album Beneath
This Finnish Band have been strumming since '97. I actually chuckled while listening to Amoral. Fantastic voice, rocker unique like Rush's Geddy Lee. I'd probably go see this band live... After all I enjoyed the Rush concert immensely.
Hallways from Islands new album A Sleep & a Forgetting
I heard them play on OPB Radio sunday night as well, and oh what fun. I almost got out of bed and started dancing. Keeping an eye out for this bands future projects. Also am highly considering going to Mississippi Studios March 11th. Listen and dare you to not shake the booty.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
New Music Tuesday February 7th
Got some new favorites this week! And some concerts I'd like to go to... on that note, enjoy.
Caught me Thinking - from Bahamas 2nd album album Barchords
Afie Jurvanen, a Canadian folk rocker, is Feist’s touring guitarist. He names hus one man show Bahamas. This is a wonderful mix of smooth indie rock and just enough twang I thought MWard was only capable of portraying. I hope he continues to record and explore on his own, I will follow. Relaxing, motivating, easy push, changing the assumed direction of this song. Instrumentally stunning.
Fatty Boom Boom from Die Antwoords 2nd album Ten$ion
Yipes the album cover scares the crap out of me.

Getting over that, this band is nothing like I've ever seen, heard, known. On Letterman (2/6) they blew me away with 'I fink u freaky'. My mouth didn't close the whole time. Holy crap. Truly unique. I'm not prone to be drawn to hip hop, but Die Antwoord are so much more than that. Those intelligent South Africans from Cape Town... Wow. Savvy designer Alexander Wang collaborated with them for his Spring 2012 ad. Please watch. You can hear them live at the Roseland 2/18.
How long must I wait from Dr. Dogs 7th album Be The Void
Dr Dog isn't hip hop? Oh. I found myself bopping along to this song, wanting to take a stroll in the neighborhood, not wanting it to end.
Be still from The Frays 3rd album Scars & Stories
Early 90s Brian Adams-ish song, less cheesy but definitely ballad worthy during a love scene of an adventure movie. One of my dreams is to create soundtrack for movies. The Fray have the perfect sound for this goal with the perfect piano solos, picking up on the drums, they work beautifully as a band. And I'm not sorry to say no matter how many times I've heard 'How to save a life' I'm not sick of it. Well done The Fray.
Perhaps I'll see you 2/22 at the Crystal.
You can count on me from Ben Kwellers 5th album Go Fly A Kite
Road trip to Eugene? Buy this album. Peppy soft rock (not comparing to the Carpenters, read AIR review below) gonna move you down 1-5 before you know it. Each track can stand on its own, not repeating post or prior, just perfect as a collection. Well thought out and structured. Too much fun, Gossip and Full Circle are download worthy to dance to.
Ben will be at the Wonder Ballroom 4/27.
Dour Percentage from Of Montreal's new album Paralytic Stalks
I would love to listen to them live. Especially at the Crystal with Anne.
I'll try to get us tickets, if you're in 3/23 Anne. Their sauciness is contagious. They've been around since '96 and this is their 11th album, which equally surprised me. They really like to let loose on their albums, exploring with instruments and vocals. Keep it ouuta the box boys.
Onwards to the wall from A Place To Bury Strangers new Onwards to the Wall EP
If the Breakfast Club had snorted coke rather than smoked weed, this song would have been playing during the library jam/dance sequence. They are considered to be the loudest band in NYC yet have signed with Mute Records (well I chuckled).
Parade from AIRs new album Le Voyage Dans La Lune
Hey Mr Roboto! You have competition!
This is AIRs 7th album (since '95), band name meaning Amour Imagination Reve (dream). The French album title translated into Anglais means 'Trip to the Moon' inspired by the 1906 silent movie. If you haven't heard of Air, but seen any of the following Sofia films Virgin Suicides, Marie Antoinette, or Lost in Translation, then their sound will be familiar to you since they recorded all 3 soundtracks.
And as promised, here are the 6 degrees of separation with Neil Diamond and AIR:
As previously stated, AIR donned the soundtrack Virgin Suicides, whom Todd Rundgren was also. Todd worked with and was heavily influenced by the late Laura Nyros, who's best selling single was 'Up on the Roof', which Neil Diamond also recorded and even named an album after. There you go. Also I'd like to collaborate AIR and Neils songs into one: 'Sing Sang Sung Song Blue'.
Thank you.
Bleeding Muddy Water from Mark Lanegans album Blues Funeral
Grew up in Ellensburg WA and has been playing since '85. Yet this is only Marks 7th album. Love the album cover.

Deep raspy voice, love the tone. And love the lyrics 'if tears were liquor, I'd drunk myself sick' (from St Louis Elegy). This is definitely not an album to listen to teetering off the edge. Happy Fucking Valentines day.
Palace Chalice from Mux Mools album Planet High School
This DJ from NYC has recorded his 2nd album since '06. Has a fancy name.
This is all electronic, but pleasant enough I can see it being played at an art show
Or simply background music while producing art. But I'd never go hear it live, unless I was on E.
Movement 2 by Pretty Good Dance Moves album LIMO
This is the duo's debut album, and have included Sabina from the Brazilian Girls. This is all I need to know in order to want to hear more. And can't you hear Will Ferrel say 'Nice moves. You have some nice moves'....
Empire from Rococodes new EP Guns, Sex, and Glory
Another debut album this week, these Canadians are half Tegan and Sara members. Guess they nailed all topics with the album title, eh? Unfortunately I feel like this sounds too familiar and not moving me.
Caught me Thinking - from Bahamas 2nd album album Barchords
Afie Jurvanen, a Canadian folk rocker, is Feist’s touring guitarist. He names hus one man show Bahamas. This is a wonderful mix of smooth indie rock and just enough twang I thought MWard was only capable of portraying. I hope he continues to record and explore on his own, I will follow. Relaxing, motivating, easy push, changing the assumed direction of this song. Instrumentally stunning.
Fatty Boom Boom from Die Antwoords 2nd album Ten$ion
Yipes the album cover scares the crap out of me.

Getting over that, this band is nothing like I've ever seen, heard, known. On Letterman (2/6) they blew me away with 'I fink u freaky'. My mouth didn't close the whole time. Holy crap. Truly unique. I'm not prone to be drawn to hip hop, but Die Antwoord are so much more than that. Those intelligent South Africans from Cape Town... Wow. Savvy designer Alexander Wang collaborated with them for his Spring 2012 ad. Please watch. You can hear them live at the Roseland 2/18.
How long must I wait from Dr. Dogs 7th album Be The Void
Dr Dog isn't hip hop? Oh. I found myself bopping along to this song, wanting to take a stroll in the neighborhood, not wanting it to end.
Be still from The Frays 3rd album Scars & Stories
Early 90s Brian Adams-ish song, less cheesy but definitely ballad worthy during a love scene of an adventure movie. One of my dreams is to create soundtrack for movies. The Fray have the perfect sound for this goal with the perfect piano solos, picking up on the drums, they work beautifully as a band. And I'm not sorry to say no matter how many times I've heard 'How to save a life' I'm not sick of it. Well done The Fray.
Perhaps I'll see you 2/22 at the Crystal.
You can count on me from Ben Kwellers 5th album Go Fly A Kite
Road trip to Eugene? Buy this album. Peppy soft rock (not comparing to the Carpenters, read AIR review below) gonna move you down 1-5 before you know it. Each track can stand on its own, not repeating post or prior, just perfect as a collection. Well thought out and structured. Too much fun, Gossip and Full Circle are download worthy to dance to.
Ben will be at the Wonder Ballroom 4/27.
Dour Percentage from Of Montreal's new album Paralytic Stalks
I would love to listen to them live. Especially at the Crystal with Anne.
I'll try to get us tickets, if you're in 3/23 Anne. Their sauciness is contagious. They've been around since '96 and this is their 11th album, which equally surprised me. They really like to let loose on their albums, exploring with instruments and vocals. Keep it ouuta the box boys.
Onwards to the wall from A Place To Bury Strangers new Onwards to the Wall EP
If the Breakfast Club had snorted coke rather than smoked weed, this song would have been playing during the library jam/dance sequence. They are considered to be the loudest band in NYC yet have signed with Mute Records (well I chuckled).
Parade from AIRs new album Le Voyage Dans La Lune
Hey Mr Roboto! You have competition!
This is AIRs 7th album (since '95), band name meaning Amour Imagination Reve (dream). The French album title translated into Anglais means 'Trip to the Moon' inspired by the 1906 silent movie. If you haven't heard of Air, but seen any of the following Sofia films Virgin Suicides, Marie Antoinette, or Lost in Translation, then their sound will be familiar to you since they recorded all 3 soundtracks.
And as promised, here are the 6 degrees of separation with Neil Diamond and AIR:
As previously stated, AIR donned the soundtrack Virgin Suicides, whom Todd Rundgren was also. Todd worked with and was heavily influenced by the late Laura Nyros, who's best selling single was 'Up on the Roof', which Neil Diamond also recorded and even named an album after. There you go. Also I'd like to collaborate AIR and Neils songs into one: 'Sing Sang Sung Song Blue'.
Thank you.
Bleeding Muddy Water from Mark Lanegans album Blues Funeral
Grew up in Ellensburg WA and has been playing since '85. Yet this is only Marks 7th album. Love the album cover.

Deep raspy voice, love the tone. And love the lyrics 'if tears were liquor, I'd drunk myself sick' (from St Louis Elegy). This is definitely not an album to listen to teetering off the edge. Happy Fucking Valentines day.
Palace Chalice from Mux Mools album Planet High School
This DJ from NYC has recorded his 2nd album since '06. Has a fancy name.
This is all electronic, but pleasant enough I can see it being played at an art show
Or simply background music while producing art. But I'd never go hear it live, unless I was on E.
Movement 2 by Pretty Good Dance Moves album LIMO
This is the duo's debut album, and have included Sabina from the Brazilian Girls. This is all I need to know in order to want to hear more. And can't you hear Will Ferrel say 'Nice moves. You have some nice moves'....
Empire from Rococodes new EP Guns, Sex, and Glory
Another debut album this week, these Canadians are half Tegan and Sara members. Guess they nailed all topics with the album title, eh? Unfortunately I feel like this sounds too familiar and not moving me.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
New Music Tuesday January 31st!
what a way to end the first month of 2012... Arresting.
My Lady and Myself from Fred Hammond"s latest album God, Love & Romance
Since 1985, Fred has been e-z sharing God's word with his fans. He's a Grammy winner for his Gospel style R&B. He says no one sings about the word of Solomon, so he is spreading the word of love (not lust). Hey, if she's my baby, and I don't mean maybe, keep on keepin on, Hammond. Yeah! (Much more relatable than church...)
Darkness from Leonard Cohen's 12th studio album Old Ideas
This 77yr old Canadian poet could record his voice reading the dictionary and people would buy it. The guy wrote Hallelujah for Pete's sake. He is behind many hits for many people. I love that he is still writing. Thank you, Mr Cohen.
Libra Man from Islets new album Illuminated People
My only qualm with Islet (actually I have 2) are these: Some of their tracks are a little droning, and all Wikipedia would give me is that an islet is a very small island. When I finally did find information on this band, I realized why it was such a gosh darn treasure hunt. They do things on their own terms, this trio. Not into the online social media scene, but they do have what they refer to as a 'fanzine', PAPER band promotion newsletter. And according to the article, they even tie the articles individually with ribbon. My favorite piece of edumication of Islets was that the band member Mark works with disabled kids , and as they are locked in their bodies, he wants to take advantage of not feeling restrained. Therefore Mark and the rest of the Islets have regular day jobs and use Islet to play. And play they do.
Holus-Bolus from Errors 3rd album Have Some Faith In Magic
This Scottish band has been touring with Mogwai (Wonder Ballroom, 5/30), has played at South by Southwest, and I have just one word to describe Errors: Electro Synthe Magnetic Musical Sounds.
North Star Lover from Fionn Regan's new album 100 Acres of Sycamore
This lil gem has been crooning since 2003, I just absolutely love every song I reviewed from this album.
Has been compared to Neil Young and Bob Dylan, but I think Fionn is a softer artist. One of several I will be downloading from this list. Oh and love his album artwork:

Paranormic Corporate Lobby Shots from The Golden Calves album Collection: Money Band + Century
Bizare psychadelic free-jazz punk band jamming since '96. Not a whole lot of information about these guys (got some really weird shit when googling their name) ..... I also liked the track The Haunted Cabaret of Nordic Nymphs. Ok yes probably because of the name.
East Berlin from One Model Nations album Total Werks Vol. 1 (1969-1977)
Courtney Taylor-Taylor of Portland's Dandy Warhols has created a character/persona with One Model Nation, including a graphic novel. David Bowies stunt double has some pent up German anger, wanting to recreate the revolution. They had a signing at Music Millennium January 31st... which I obviously didn't go to. But One Model Nation does match the power it is trying to sell, and could have been in the Inglorious Bastard soundtrack. Das boot.
Hesperus Garden from Pepe Deluxes album Queen of the Wave
Tell me, does an esoteric pop opera in 3 parts grab your attention? What about being diverse enough to work on remixes with both Tom Jones and Eminem? This Finnish band has also been playing with the big boys since '96. The best way I can escribe the feeling of this album for me is Shirley Bassey luau in 1969.
Gold Rush 1 and 2 from The Asteroids Galaxy Tours latest album Out of Frequency
Perhaps my favorite of the bunch this week. Only these Danes 2nd album, however they have donned thier music on Madmen, Apple commercials, and Heineken ads. Amy Winehouse heard their demo and asked them to tour with her (which would have been a show to remember for a lifetime). The only thing missing from this video are the roller skates. I am pretty sure this is the first album I have wanted to review each and every song in anticipation of what they have created.
Sugar from The Big Sleep - Nature Experiments
Wikipedia called this band 'shoegazers'. No, I havnet heard of this genre. The Big Sleep don't sound sleepy... In fact I'll probably download some of their music. They have that Sonic Youth and Cure flavor.
The Island from The Doozers new album Keep It Together
Oh please watch this video. Did they borrow Ken and Barbies furnature from '85 and The Beattles animation from their videos? I'm going to suggest this song to Sesame Street, and oddly that isn't a bad thing! Oh, and Doozers who don't do become a Fraggle.
The Unknown faces of Father James Park from The Phenomenal Handclap Band's 3rd album Following
The bands website is so lovely. The video to this track is, well, about peer pressure and drugs. I'm torn between hating this and intrigued.
Aretha from Rumor's debut album Seasons of my soul
She's a lovely woman, just watch the interview from Sunday Morning January 29th. Thanks to Karin for introducing me to such a wonderful artist. Awe- inspiring jaw dropping with Manilows handiwork laced into a few of her songs. Don't let that fool you into thinking Rumor isn't a songwriter herself.
My Lady and Myself from Fred Hammond"s latest album God, Love & Romance
Since 1985, Fred has been e-z sharing God's word with his fans. He's a Grammy winner for his Gospel style R&B. He says no one sings about the word of Solomon, so he is spreading the word of love (not lust). Hey, if she's my baby, and I don't mean maybe, keep on keepin on, Hammond. Yeah! (Much more relatable than church...)
Darkness from Leonard Cohen's 12th studio album Old Ideas
This 77yr old Canadian poet could record his voice reading the dictionary and people would buy it. The guy wrote Hallelujah for Pete's sake. He is behind many hits for many people. I love that he is still writing. Thank you, Mr Cohen.
Libra Man from Islets new album Illuminated People
My only qualm with Islet (actually I have 2) are these: Some of their tracks are a little droning, and all Wikipedia would give me is that an islet is a very small island. When I finally did find information on this band, I realized why it was such a gosh darn treasure hunt. They do things on their own terms, this trio. Not into the online social media scene, but they do have what they refer to as a 'fanzine', PAPER band promotion newsletter. And according to the article, they even tie the articles individually with ribbon. My favorite piece of edumication of Islets was that the band member Mark works with disabled kids , and as they are locked in their bodies, he wants to take advantage of not feeling restrained. Therefore Mark and the rest of the Islets have regular day jobs and use Islet to play. And play they do.
Holus-Bolus from Errors 3rd album Have Some Faith In Magic
This Scottish band has been touring with Mogwai (Wonder Ballroom, 5/30), has played at South by Southwest, and I have just one word to describe Errors: Electro Synthe Magnetic Musical Sounds.
North Star Lover from Fionn Regan's new album 100 Acres of Sycamore
This lil gem has been crooning since 2003, I just absolutely love every song I reviewed from this album.
Has been compared to Neil Young and Bob Dylan, but I think Fionn is a softer artist. One of several I will be downloading from this list. Oh and love his album artwork:

Paranormic Corporate Lobby Shots from The Golden Calves album Collection: Money Band + Century
Bizare psychadelic free-jazz punk band jamming since '96. Not a whole lot of information about these guys (got some really weird shit when googling their name) ..... I also liked the track The Haunted Cabaret of Nordic Nymphs. Ok yes probably because of the name.
East Berlin from One Model Nations album Total Werks Vol. 1 (1969-1977)
Courtney Taylor-Taylor of Portland's Dandy Warhols has created a character/persona with One Model Nation, including a graphic novel. David Bowies stunt double has some pent up German anger, wanting to recreate the revolution. They had a signing at Music Millennium January 31st... which I obviously didn't go to. But One Model Nation does match the power it is trying to sell, and could have been in the Inglorious Bastard soundtrack. Das boot.
Hesperus Garden from Pepe Deluxes album Queen of the Wave
Tell me, does an esoteric pop opera in 3 parts grab your attention? What about being diverse enough to work on remixes with both Tom Jones and Eminem? This Finnish band has also been playing with the big boys since '96. The best way I can escribe the feeling of this album for me is Shirley Bassey luau in 1969.
Gold Rush 1 and 2 from The Asteroids Galaxy Tours latest album Out of Frequency
Perhaps my favorite of the bunch this week. Only these Danes 2nd album, however they have donned thier music on Madmen, Apple commercials, and Heineken ads. Amy Winehouse heard their demo and asked them to tour with her (which would have been a show to remember for a lifetime). The only thing missing from this video are the roller skates. I am pretty sure this is the first album I have wanted to review each and every song in anticipation of what they have created.
Sugar from The Big Sleep - Nature Experiments
Wikipedia called this band 'shoegazers'. No, I havnet heard of this genre. The Big Sleep don't sound sleepy... In fact I'll probably download some of their music. They have that Sonic Youth and Cure flavor.
The Island from The Doozers new album Keep It Together
Oh please watch this video. Did they borrow Ken and Barbies furnature from '85 and The Beattles animation from their videos? I'm going to suggest this song to Sesame Street, and oddly that isn't a bad thing! Oh, and Doozers who don't do become a Fraggle.
The Unknown faces of Father James Park from The Phenomenal Handclap Band's 3rd album Following
The bands website is so lovely. The video to this track is, well, about peer pressure and drugs. I'm torn between hating this and intrigued.
Aretha from Rumor's debut album Seasons of my soul
She's a lovely woman, just watch the interview from Sunday Morning January 29th. Thanks to Karin for introducing me to such a wonderful artist. Awe- inspiring jaw dropping with Manilows handiwork laced into a few of her songs. Don't let that fool you into thinking Rumor isn't a songwriter herself.
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