Not a lot to review this week but I love Jack Black and Santana's albums. Enjoy!
Throw Down from Tenacious D's album Rize of the Fenix
This album just goes to show you one's mask of humor can be just as talented as that of a straight faced stick in the mud.
Jack and Kyle met in Scotland and formed in '94. They got a full band in '06, have made a movie, and have established themselves as musicians. When I first heard Jack sing in High Fidelity, I was shocked. He's actually really great. Thank you Jack and Kyle for continuing the create and share and making me laugh.
I'm in love from Meiko's album The Bright Side
She's from Georgia, left for LA at 18, has been singing for others since she was 8 yrs old. Meikos dad assisted her with the guitar and encouraged her musical talent. I found her music endearing. Plus I would love to tell people that the first song I sang in front of an audience was 'White Christmas'...
Heartless from Lisa Marie Presley's 3rd album Storm and Grace.
Oh Lisa. If I have to tell you who her father is, stop reading my blog. What I most respect from this self-driven hard headed woman is she produces all original work, co-writing each track. Beautiful cover... The album on the whole is a little dark for me in this time of my life, but gorgeous work nonetheless.
The Butterflies from The Cribs 5th album In the Belly of the Brazen Bull
Siblings from the UK were in the 30th anniversary of Sex Pistols 'Never mind the Bollocks'. (Nothing like Never mind the Horrocks). I'm not the biggest fan of The Cribs, but I see their appeal and talent. Just not for me. What can I say: Honey don't F@*k with the butterflies.
Elephant in the dock from Mewithoutyou's 5th album Ten Stories
No, I didn't type the above incorrectly. I carefully copied these Philly rockers info. Incredible artwork on their album cover. They have been around since 2000. For me this music was hard to get. Talented, but the arrangement throws me off. Check out their song Aubergine...
Macumba in Budapest from Santana's 36th album Shape Shifter
I love this song. I want to be in Budapest on a horse listening to this. Can you make this happen for me, Santana? Thank you. This Grammy award winner came from Mexico and on the music scene in '64. Brought Latin Jazz to Woodstock in 69. Had written Evil Ways and Black Magic Woman by 1967, living in San Francisco. Wish I was there too. Well I don't know why I have been stalking Neil Diamond instead of Santana. Damn.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
New Music Tuesday May 8th
As much fun as this week was to review, I was out of town and started another job so my time was limited and my brain was tired. Sorry for the delay. Enjoy:
I can, I will, I do from Barenaked Ladies album Stop Us If You've Heard This Before
This band has a special place in my heart. I've seen them twice in concert and are always entertaining. Their songs Shoebox of Lies and Call and Answer were monumental during my coming of age time in my life. I picked out their tone/voice when the Big Bang Theory tv theme song played as theirs (I am right). This album is full of rare recordings. Yes please. Oh and I loved this quote so much from Wiki I had to share:
"When Page had an extra ticket to a Bob Dylan concert at Exhibition Stadium, he asked Robertson to join him. Bored by the show, the two turned to amusing each other, pretending they were rock critics, inventing histories and comments about the Dylan band. They also made up various fictional band names, one of which was 'Barenaked Ladies'."
How do I know from Here We Go Magic's 3rd album A Different Ship
This Brooklyn band got their start in 2008. Caught the eye of Thom Yorke (Radiohead frontman) and off they went. Toured with Broken Social Scene and gained fan interest. Started by an artist from Massachusetts, Luke Temple is an indie rocker riding the waves under this moniker Here we go magic.
Check out the album art:
On the Run from Keane's 4th album Strange
I saw Keane in concert some time ago at the Roseland here in Pdx with my recently engaged concert buddy Anne. That night I was introduced to a band I now love Rocca de Luca. I am forever in debt to Keane. Thank you. p.s. I can't believe you are skipping Portland on your tour this year. Bad form.
Drag Ropes from Storm Corrosion self titled debut album
Storm Corrosion is a collaboration of the duo Sweede Mikael Akerfeldt and UK's Steven Wilson. This is their project with no plan of touring. They did have the motivation to create their own website however. The artwork and artistry in the video floored me.
Jet Black Girls from OFF! debut album OFF!
The OFF! are a punk band from LA. This is their first full-length album since their debut in 2010. They seem to be a collaboration of mates from other works. And the OFF! website is wonderfully straightforward. Mucho appreciato.
This track made me boogie. The album on the whole is impressive for a debut.
Avalanche from S. Carey 's Hoyas (EP)
The Wisconsin indie drummer gone solo artist Sean Carey (of Bon Iver drums) has recorded an EP for all of our enjoyment since his 2010 debut. Rock on.
Yeah C'mon! from Turing Machine's album What is the Meaning of What
Another MATH ROCKER band! From the broken collection of history, I believe this these New Yorkers third album since their debut in 1998. Please read the following Wiki quote:
'On November 7, 2009, drummer Gerhardt Fuchs died in an elevator shaft accident. The last of Fuchs' studio work with Turing Machine will be included posthumously in the 2012 album'
They will be at the Mississippi Studios June 2nd. FYI, 'turing machine' a device that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules Just thought you needed to know this information.
Landline featuring Ingrid Michaelson from Greg Laswell's 5th album Landline
Best Laswell info in my opinion: married to Ingrid Michaelson. The indie Cali has been featured on numerous tv shows and movies since '98. He has the voice you want to listen to while laying on the beach. Greg will be at the Mississippi Studios June 2.
Gun-shy Sunshine from Silversun Pickups 3rd full album Neck of the Woods
I'm pretty sure I saw these guys (Anne?). A'ight, I googled them at indeed I saw them with Snow Patrol and OK GO in 2007. I didn't really care for them then, but the Memorial Coliseum is the worst venue in Portland to hear anyone. They've been around since 2002 and are from LA. I am willing to give them another chance. You can see them May 25th at the Sasquatch Festival (along with a whole 'pickup' load of other amazing artists)
Will you love me tomorrow from Rita Wilsons debut album AM/FM
Started in the acting bizz in '72. She's often credited for making the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding happen (and Rita is Greek herself). Rita's a lovely singer, adding to her repertoire of talents of movie acting, the stage, and producing films. My favorite moment is her in the mosiv Mixed Nuts. If you haven't seen it, please do. Madeline Khan will rock your socks.
I can, I will, I do from Barenaked Ladies album Stop Us If You've Heard This Before
This band has a special place in my heart. I've seen them twice in concert and are always entertaining. Their songs Shoebox of Lies and Call and Answer were monumental during my coming of age time in my life. I picked out their tone/voice when the Big Bang Theory tv theme song played as theirs (I am right). This album is full of rare recordings. Yes please. Oh and I loved this quote so much from Wiki I had to share:
"When Page had an extra ticket to a Bob Dylan concert at Exhibition Stadium, he asked Robertson to join him. Bored by the show, the two turned to amusing each other, pretending they were rock critics, inventing histories and comments about the Dylan band. They also made up various fictional band names, one of which was 'Barenaked Ladies'."
How do I know from Here We Go Magic's 3rd album A Different Ship
This Brooklyn band got their start in 2008. Caught the eye of Thom Yorke (Radiohead frontman) and off they went. Toured with Broken Social Scene and gained fan interest. Started by an artist from Massachusetts, Luke Temple is an indie rocker riding the waves under this moniker Here we go magic.
Check out the album art:
On the Run from Keane's 4th album Strange
I saw Keane in concert some time ago at the Roseland here in Pdx with my recently engaged concert buddy Anne. That night I was introduced to a band I now love Rocca de Luca. I am forever in debt to Keane. Thank you. p.s. I can't believe you are skipping Portland on your tour this year. Bad form.
Drag Ropes from Storm Corrosion self titled debut album
Storm Corrosion is a collaboration of the duo Sweede Mikael Akerfeldt and UK's Steven Wilson. This is their project with no plan of touring. They did have the motivation to create their own website however. The artwork and artistry in the video floored me.
Jet Black Girls from OFF! debut album OFF!
The OFF! are a punk band from LA. This is their first full-length album since their debut in 2010. They seem to be a collaboration of mates from other works. And the OFF! website is wonderfully straightforward. Mucho appreciato.
This track made me boogie. The album on the whole is impressive for a debut.
Avalanche from S. Carey 's Hoyas (EP)
The Wisconsin indie drummer gone solo artist Sean Carey (of Bon Iver drums) has recorded an EP for all of our enjoyment since his 2010 debut. Rock on.
Yeah C'mon! from Turing Machine's album What is the Meaning of What
Another MATH ROCKER band! From the broken collection of history, I believe this these New Yorkers third album since their debut in 1998. Please read the following Wiki quote:
'On November 7, 2009, drummer Gerhardt Fuchs died in an elevator shaft accident. The last of Fuchs' studio work with Turing Machine will be included posthumously in the 2012 album'
They will be at the Mississippi Studios June 2nd. FYI, 'turing machine' a device that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules Just thought you needed to know this information.
Landline featuring Ingrid Michaelson from Greg Laswell's 5th album Landline
Best Laswell info in my opinion: married to Ingrid Michaelson. The indie Cali has been featured on numerous tv shows and movies since '98. He has the voice you want to listen to while laying on the beach. Greg will be at the Mississippi Studios June 2.
Gun-shy Sunshine from Silversun Pickups 3rd full album Neck of the Woods
I'm pretty sure I saw these guys (Anne?). A'ight, I googled them at indeed I saw them with Snow Patrol and OK GO in 2007. I didn't really care for them then, but the Memorial Coliseum is the worst venue in Portland to hear anyone. They've been around since 2002 and are from LA. I am willing to give them another chance. You can see them May 25th at the Sasquatch Festival (along with a whole 'pickup' load of other amazing artists)
Will you love me tomorrow from Rita Wilsons debut album AM/FM
Started in the acting bizz in '72. She's often credited for making the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding happen (and Rita is Greek herself). Rita's a lovely singer, adding to her repertoire of talents of movie acting, the stage, and producing films. My favorite moment is her in the mosiv Mixed Nuts. If you haven't seen it, please do. Madeline Khan will rock your socks.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
New Music Tuesday May 2nd 2012
This week 2 from Brooklyn, 2 Canadians, 2 from Baltimore, and a local celebrity I hadn't heard of before this week. Enjoy.
Clown from Don Ray Band's album Full Throttle
The Don Ray Band recorded this album in The Nutthouse in Alabama. And it reeks of the place all over. This is a good thing. If you are looking for a southern rock band that's logo includes wings of feathers and red outlined font B0ND title, these guys are your men. And of course they will be at the fourth festival in Gnadenbutten Ohio. I was drawn to this song because of the lyrics 'like a clown that hides his frown by dancing in the rain'. You just don't expect this from buttrockers of the South. Hells yes. Clown me baby. Thank you Don Ray Band for having a comprehensive website.
Nova Anthem from Lower Dens second album Nootropics
The self professed 'dark nerds' are a stunning band. Jana Hunter the frontwoman sings like an Islander songstress waking the sun. The band got together in Baltimore, but I'm not sure when. Their ABOUT in their website says nothing. Speaking of their site, I get miffed at the ENTER SITE button when you log on to peoples pages. No, I don't want to see your site, I just searched for you to see if anything would come up. Thanks, now I know. Don't need to see it, you, etc. *sigh*
Girl from Sea of Bees' breakup album Orangefarben
My dear Julie Baenzinger has produced a second Sea of Bees album. Her first was so successful it caught the eyes of Rolling Stone Magazine and NPR. I have to say, this song got under my skin. And then I googled for more information. Please read.
Step out for a while from Patrick Watson's album Adventures in Your Own Backyard
This lovely Canadian gent wrote a whole soundtrack for a movie titled 'C'est pas moi, fe le june' which impresses me already. This and he's labeled as cabaret pop, I mean who could want more??? See him at the Mission Theater June 12th please. I can't, I will be in flight...
Good Girl from Carrie Underwood's album Blown Away
Won American Idol in 2005, multi Grammy award winner, sweet next door girl. Right? No I don't buy that either. But she has kept her personal life underwrapped and stays under the media radar. What caught my attention was her version of San Antonio Rose at the 2007 Grammys. Perfect. On a personal note, my Uncle Jim was going in for prostate cancer surgery, and requested Carrie Underwood on a cd made for him. Huh what? So I did. Thank for Carrie for bringing my Uncle peace during that time. Carrie sounds best when she's sassy I have to say. Her ballads sound the same to me.
Annie from Hope for Agoldensummer's album Life Inside the Body
I don't have a lot on them besides they have a bit write up on the New Yorker which I have the pleasure of receiving weekly. Their Facebook page is unhelpful and they don't have their own site. I love this song and enjoyed their album and hope that they have better representation on the web in the future... just for me. At least they are all over You Tube.
You're so vain (feat. Johnny Depp) from Marilyn Manson's album Born Villain
Brian Hugh Warror. I read much about this man that I had no idea.... I know he had a sick grandfather (sick meaning sadomasechist and D. all of the above) and is from Ohio. I did know he created his persona from combining Marilyn Manroe and Charles Mansons names... A mock on pop culture and what makes one famous. A quote of his 'we sell our shadow to those who stand within it.' He also created his own absinthe: Mansinthe. This made me giggle... I have to admit after reading about Brian and understanding his stance, I have come to appreciate him as an artist. And I actually LIKE this song. oh my. Further more, this isn't the only track I enjoyed. Holy crap.
Welcome to the Ball from Rufus Wainwright’s album Out Of The Game
I have bought this album already. Hey, give this girl a coupon and a day off, there's no stopping me. There are few artists I don't have to listen to the album before I purchase it. Neil Diamond, M. Ward, Martha Wainwright, Tom Jones, any previously unreleased music from Roy Orbison, Otis Redding, or Etta James, and of course subject at hand, Rufus. With that said, this is his 7th album... When I saw him live I knew I was hooked. My mouth dropped. The Schnitzer was a beautiful venue to hold such a great performer. HOWEVER, the big day came when I saw him at the Crystal and he re-enacted his performance as Rufus! as Judy! Live at Carnegie Hall. I became enraged with jealousy. This man had the kahunas to get on stage in nylons, heels, lipstick, and diamonds and step for step performed Judy's 'Get Happy'. Gorgeous legs, spectacular performance. This album is more pop than opera or experimental, but equally as strong as anything else I've heard. And I have all of Rufus' music, including EPs and soundtrack contributions. I will follow you wherever you go Rufus.
Divide by Zero from Ramona Falls sophomore album Prophet
I didn't know who Ramona Falls were until I went to Music Millennium and saw their album everywhere. I made a note to google them when I got home. Come to find out they're local and named themselves after, you guessed it! Ramona Falls! This is located by Mt. Hood in Oregon. The bands website's clarity could give many others a lesson on coherent information displayed. Oh and they have a free download. Who can argue with that? Thanks Ramona Falls! Smart move! Go check out our local celebrities May 18th at the Doug Fir.
Figure it out from Suckers album Candy salad
Also a band from Brooklyn and also a website I found comprehensble. Been indie rockin it since 2007, and love this tatement too: "Though raised in the shadow of Yale, the three were inspired to seek the kind of cultural stimulus one could only acquire hours away in New York City. Upon arrival, they soon immersed themselves fully in the city’s unpredictable and volatile intersection of art and music –Fisher would spend off hours working at the Guggenheim and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, while Walker released a solo double-album to considerable underground acclaim on Voodoo-Eros, the label run by influential avant-pop band CocoRosie."
and does anyone recognize this hit? It gets body moving. I had a lot of fun previewing this album, and had a hard time choosing just one track. And i want a candy salad. Ohh and who doens't want this cover?
Funetimes in Babylon from Father John Misty - Fear fun.
Joshua Tillman's moniker, debut album. Another Baltimore artist this week, and will be at the Doug Fir May 8th (popular venue and month for this NMT). So I have a confession about Father John Misty... He was on my list to review and then I deleted it. Then I want to the Music Millennium and saw they had them available to listen to. I was completely intrigued and felt guilty about taking him off my list. So back on, and I love track 2 as well. Google him.
Norah Jones 5th album Little Broken Hearts
This lovely lady has won 9 Grammys starting out as a jazz artist. She's been on film, on Sesame Street, worked with Ray Charles and Herbie Hancock... Guess when you change your name at 16 you know what you want, huh? I got the chance to preview this album on NPR over the weekend and immediately was impressed. New twists, new range, different direction. Thank you Norah. Gorgeous per usual. And the b@*ch is my age. Ok.
Crying in the rain from Carole King
I love Carole King. She was the beast selling female solo artist until Whitney Houston. Carole is a wonderful song-writer, musician, and entrepreneur. A lil info on her that made me giggle was that she wrote the song The Reason for Aerosmith but Celine Dion recorded it instead. I can just hear Celine now... Please keep entertaining me, Carole. And we will still love you tomorrow... (Ending blog on HUGE cheesy note. Enjoy)
Clown from Don Ray Band's album Full Throttle
The Don Ray Band recorded this album in The Nutthouse in Alabama. And it reeks of the place all over. This is a good thing. If you are looking for a southern rock band that's logo includes wings of feathers and red outlined font B0ND title, these guys are your men. And of course they will be at the fourth festival in Gnadenbutten Ohio. I was drawn to this song because of the lyrics 'like a clown that hides his frown by dancing in the rain'. You just don't expect this from buttrockers of the South. Hells yes. Clown me baby. Thank you Don Ray Band for having a comprehensive website.
Nova Anthem from Lower Dens second album Nootropics
The self professed 'dark nerds' are a stunning band. Jana Hunter the frontwoman sings like an Islander songstress waking the sun. The band got together in Baltimore, but I'm not sure when. Their ABOUT in their website says nothing. Speaking of their site, I get miffed at the ENTER SITE button when you log on to peoples pages. No, I don't want to see your site, I just searched for you to see if anything would come up. Thanks, now I know. Don't need to see it, you, etc. *sigh*
Girl from Sea of Bees' breakup album Orangefarben
My dear Julie Baenzinger has produced a second Sea of Bees album. Her first was so successful it caught the eyes of Rolling Stone Magazine and NPR. I have to say, this song got under my skin. And then I googled for more information. Please read.
Step out for a while from Patrick Watson's album Adventures in Your Own Backyard
This lovely Canadian gent wrote a whole soundtrack for a movie titled 'C'est pas moi, fe le june' which impresses me already. This and he's labeled as cabaret pop, I mean who could want more??? See him at the Mission Theater June 12th please. I can't, I will be in flight...
Good Girl from Carrie Underwood's album Blown Away
Won American Idol in 2005, multi Grammy award winner, sweet next door girl. Right? No I don't buy that either. But she has kept her personal life underwrapped and stays under the media radar. What caught my attention was her version of San Antonio Rose at the 2007 Grammys. Perfect. On a personal note, my Uncle Jim was going in for prostate cancer surgery, and requested Carrie Underwood on a cd made for him. Huh what? So I did. Thank for Carrie for bringing my Uncle peace during that time. Carrie sounds best when she's sassy I have to say. Her ballads sound the same to me.
Annie from Hope for Agoldensummer's album Life Inside the Body
I don't have a lot on them besides they have a bit write up on the New Yorker which I have the pleasure of receiving weekly. Their Facebook page is unhelpful and they don't have their own site. I love this song and enjoyed their album and hope that they have better representation on the web in the future... just for me. At least they are all over You Tube.
You're so vain (feat. Johnny Depp) from Marilyn Manson's album Born Villain
Brian Hugh Warror. I read much about this man that I had no idea.... I know he had a sick grandfather (sick meaning sadomasechist and D. all of the above) and is from Ohio. I did know he created his persona from combining Marilyn Manroe and Charles Mansons names... A mock on pop culture and what makes one famous. A quote of his 'we sell our shadow to those who stand within it.' He also created his own absinthe: Mansinthe. This made me giggle... I have to admit after reading about Brian and understanding his stance, I have come to appreciate him as an artist. And I actually LIKE this song. oh my. Further more, this isn't the only track I enjoyed. Holy crap.
Welcome to the Ball from Rufus Wainwright’s album Out Of The Game
I have bought this album already. Hey, give this girl a coupon and a day off, there's no stopping me. There are few artists I don't have to listen to the album before I purchase it. Neil Diamond, M. Ward, Martha Wainwright, Tom Jones, any previously unreleased music from Roy Orbison, Otis Redding, or Etta James, and of course subject at hand, Rufus. With that said, this is his 7th album... When I saw him live I knew I was hooked. My mouth dropped. The Schnitzer was a beautiful venue to hold such a great performer. HOWEVER, the big day came when I saw him at the Crystal and he re-enacted his performance as Rufus! as Judy! Live at Carnegie Hall. I became enraged with jealousy. This man had the kahunas to get on stage in nylons, heels, lipstick, and diamonds and step for step performed Judy's 'Get Happy'. Gorgeous legs, spectacular performance. This album is more pop than opera or experimental, but equally as strong as anything else I've heard. And I have all of Rufus' music, including EPs and soundtrack contributions. I will follow you wherever you go Rufus.

Divide by Zero from Ramona Falls sophomore album Prophet
I didn't know who Ramona Falls were until I went to Music Millennium and saw their album everywhere. I made a note to google them when I got home. Come to find out they're local and named themselves after, you guessed it! Ramona Falls! This is located by Mt. Hood in Oregon. The bands website's clarity could give many others a lesson on coherent information displayed. Oh and they have a free download. Who can argue with that? Thanks Ramona Falls! Smart move! Go check out our local celebrities May 18th at the Doug Fir.
Figure it out from Suckers album Candy salad
Also a band from Brooklyn and also a website I found comprehensble. Been indie rockin it since 2007, and love this tatement too: "Though raised in the shadow of Yale, the three were inspired to seek the kind of cultural stimulus one could only acquire hours away in New York City. Upon arrival, they soon immersed themselves fully in the city’s unpredictable and volatile intersection of art and music –Fisher would spend off hours working at the Guggenheim and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, while Walker released a solo double-album to considerable underground acclaim on Voodoo-Eros, the label run by influential avant-pop band CocoRosie."
and does anyone recognize this hit? It gets body moving. I had a lot of fun previewing this album, and had a hard time choosing just one track. And i want a candy salad. Ohh and who doens't want this cover?
Funetimes in Babylon from Father John Misty - Fear fun.
Joshua Tillman's moniker, debut album. Another Baltimore artist this week, and will be at the Doug Fir May 8th (popular venue and month for this NMT). So I have a confession about Father John Misty... He was on my list to review and then I deleted it. Then I want to the Music Millennium and saw they had them available to listen to. I was completely intrigued and felt guilty about taking him off my list. So back on, and I love track 2 as well. Google him.
Norah Jones 5th album Little Broken Hearts
This lovely lady has won 9 Grammys starting out as a jazz artist. She's been on film, on Sesame Street, worked with Ray Charles and Herbie Hancock... Guess when you change your name at 16 you know what you want, huh? I got the chance to preview this album on NPR over the weekend and immediately was impressed. New twists, new range, different direction. Thank you Norah. Gorgeous per usual. And the b@*ch is my age. Ok.
Crying in the rain from Carole King
I love Carole King. She was the beast selling female solo artist until Whitney Houston. Carole is a wonderful song-writer, musician, and entrepreneur. A lil info on her that made me giggle was that she wrote the song The Reason for Aerosmith but Celine Dion recorded it instead. I can just hear Celine now... Please keep entertaining me, Carole. And we will still love you tomorrow... (Ending blog on HUGE cheesy note. Enjoy)
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
New Music Tuesday April 24th 2012
This week was so weak (not including Jack White) even Itunes listed the New Releases after Remixes, Reissues, and Pre-Orders.
With that said, there are several debuts this week. This is always exciting and refreshing. Enjoy. (I did).
Girl Problems from Toro Y Moi's 3rd album June 2009 Oh lots of information to impart to you. Toro Y Moi is Chazwick Bundick. I have to say if my name was Chazwick Bundick I would never change it. Not even for the stage. Especially not for the stage. He's a chill-waver from South Carolina, wavin since '07. He's remixed with Tegan and Sara... Oh and his blog is pretty spectacular. I really enjoyed reviewing this album, will be downloading Girl Problems (but hopefully not inheriting them!). The other tracks were equally as fun, not a lot of chill, more bouncy wave. Lastly, yes the album is called June 2009, but its new and inspired by his guitar work in - you guessed in, June 2009.
Call Girl Blues from Diamond Rugs DEBUT Diamond Rugs Love this track. The others I l got the chance to hear were a bit downer for my mood. I would love to see them with the oh so suddenly popular Alabama Shakes @ Central Park Summer Concerts. Can you go wrong with a band that incorporates the banjo, horns, trombone, and sax? (No.).
All good in the hood by Jamiroquai's 7th album Rock Dust Light Star I am a HUGE fan of this UK funk band. Or should I call them 'acid jazz'. They took 2 years to make this record, and it paid off. I wouldn't have guessed these super villans are from North Dakota. And then of course there's Buffalo Man.
Smart to have a logo that is recognizable without your band name. Like the Dead, Stones, and um... Who else? My favorite Jamiroquai moment is in a movie, if you care to watch. And as for this new album, I have to add 'yeah baby'. That's all.
Happy most of the time from Brandan Bansons album 5th album What kind of world This sly man is better known as a member of The Raconteurs. Why I call him sly is because he is releasing an album on the same day as is cohort Jack White. I enjoyed Brandans album quite a bit, rock and roll with a lot of talent and soul. Totally different from Jacks release. This is a good move. I saw the Raconteurs live and ohhh they were good.
Inside out acoustic from Eve 6 album Speak in code I love this song. I don't really like anything else the bands produced. I may, but the attention span I had for this one didn't last. I will always think of my childhood best friend Rachelle when this plays. I'm happy the three main members have stuck with the band, and I should have given the rest of the album more care. I just couldn't.
Sad Vacation from Dandy Warhols 8th album This Machine. A local celebrity has made it! I have to admit I don't respond to this music like others do. However, they were thinking of naming this album 'Pastor of Muppets', 'Whirrled Peace', or 'Shitty Shitty Bang Bang'. Funny kids...
Make the pain go away from Brads 5th album United We Stand This entire review of Brad is for Anne. Every Fourth of July we exclaim 'United We Stand!' To each other. It's at least a 10 year old tradition. (I think 9/11 started it). I didn't get the patriotic vibe from Brads album but I love the cover and album title. ALSO, Brad shares their lead guitarist Stone Gossard with Pearl Jam, Annes favorite band in the entire world.
Aloha Moon from Magic Wands DEBUT album Aloha Moon. Gorgeous album artwork.
I would love a poster of it. These lovewaving rockstars are from Tennessee, playing since '08. They have released singles and EPs, but this is their first full lengh album. I don't know how to describe this music... Lovewave! Ok then!!
Hypocritical Kiss from Jack Whites DEBUT album Blunderbuss As I was sitting in a cafe blogging, I was asked what I was typing and taking notes on. I said my music blog, and currently looking up Jack White. The stranger claimed that Jack White started a career in an upholstery apprenticeship. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes trying to google this craziness. It is, in fact, TRUE. AND he started a band with the apprenticeship head called 'The Upholstery'. I can't make this up. Anywho, Jack can't do no wrong. He's an incredible actor, guitarist, song writer, artist, and upholsterer. He will make the books of legends emerged in the 90's. And here's another Napolian moment for you: XXX
It's rough all over from Craig Ericksons album Galactic Roadhouse I'm not sure what pissed me off more, the fact that most sites insinuated I should know this guy as an establoshed blues artist but then come to find out he emerged in the 90's, or the fact that his name is too close to Craig Ferguson whom I had tickets last weekend for but missed it due to the assumption he was on Saturday (not Friday). I cried.
Hopscotch Machine Gun Madness from A Genuine Freakshow's DEBUT album Often times. This band is from the UK, and produced this album in 2010. However, they are just now surfacing American interest and the album is just now released here in the land of the dollar bill. Thank you for this. Love the song titles. Clever.
Bad Ghosts from The Raveonettes DEBUT album The Revonettes. They are from Denmark. Therefore I decided to challenge myself by linking them to Neil Diamond in 6 or less connections. Enjoy: The Raveonettes are a duo inspired by the Everly Brothers harmonious singing - and Neil Diamond plays the Everly Brothers flat top Gibson guitar.
Girl Problems from Toro Y Moi's 3rd album June 2009 Oh lots of information to impart to you. Toro Y Moi is Chazwick Bundick. I have to say if my name was Chazwick Bundick I would never change it. Not even for the stage. Especially not for the stage. He's a chill-waver from South Carolina, wavin since '07. He's remixed with Tegan and Sara... Oh and his blog is pretty spectacular. I really enjoyed reviewing this album, will be downloading Girl Problems (but hopefully not inheriting them!). The other tracks were equally as fun, not a lot of chill, more bouncy wave. Lastly, yes the album is called June 2009, but its new and inspired by his guitar work in - you guessed in, June 2009.
Call Girl Blues from Diamond Rugs DEBUT Diamond Rugs Love this track. The others I l got the chance to hear were a bit downer for my mood. I would love to see them with the oh so suddenly popular Alabama Shakes @ Central Park Summer Concerts. Can you go wrong with a band that incorporates the banjo, horns, trombone, and sax? (No.).
All good in the hood by Jamiroquai's 7th album Rock Dust Light Star I am a HUGE fan of this UK funk band. Or should I call them 'acid jazz'. They took 2 years to make this record, and it paid off. I wouldn't have guessed these super villans are from North Dakota. And then of course there's Buffalo Man.
Smart to have a logo that is recognizable without your band name. Like the Dead, Stones, and um... Who else? My favorite Jamiroquai moment is in a movie, if you care to watch. And as for this new album, I have to add 'yeah baby'. That's all.
Happy most of the time from Brandan Bansons album 5th album What kind of world This sly man is better known as a member of The Raconteurs. Why I call him sly is because he is releasing an album on the same day as is cohort Jack White. I enjoyed Brandans album quite a bit, rock and roll with a lot of talent and soul. Totally different from Jacks release. This is a good move. I saw the Raconteurs live and ohhh they were good.
Inside out acoustic from Eve 6 album Speak in code I love this song. I don't really like anything else the bands produced. I may, but the attention span I had for this one didn't last. I will always think of my childhood best friend Rachelle when this plays. I'm happy the three main members have stuck with the band, and I should have given the rest of the album more care. I just couldn't.
Sad Vacation from Dandy Warhols 8th album This Machine. A local celebrity has made it! I have to admit I don't respond to this music like others do. However, they were thinking of naming this album 'Pastor of Muppets', 'Whirrled Peace', or 'Shitty Shitty Bang Bang'. Funny kids...
Make the pain go away from Brads 5th album United We Stand This entire review of Brad is for Anne. Every Fourth of July we exclaim 'United We Stand!' To each other. It's at least a 10 year old tradition. (I think 9/11 started it). I didn't get the patriotic vibe from Brads album but I love the cover and album title. ALSO, Brad shares their lead guitarist Stone Gossard with Pearl Jam, Annes favorite band in the entire world.
Aloha Moon from Magic Wands DEBUT album Aloha Moon. Gorgeous album artwork.
I would love a poster of it. These lovewaving rockstars are from Tennessee, playing since '08. They have released singles and EPs, but this is their first full lengh album. I don't know how to describe this music... Lovewave! Ok then!!
Hypocritical Kiss from Jack Whites DEBUT album Blunderbuss As I was sitting in a cafe blogging, I was asked what I was typing and taking notes on. I said my music blog, and currently looking up Jack White. The stranger claimed that Jack White started a career in an upholstery apprenticeship. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes trying to google this craziness. It is, in fact, TRUE. AND he started a band with the apprenticeship head called 'The Upholstery'. I can't make this up. Anywho, Jack can't do no wrong. He's an incredible actor, guitarist, song writer, artist, and upholsterer. He will make the books of legends emerged in the 90's. And here's another Napolian moment for you: XXX
It's rough all over from Craig Ericksons album Galactic Roadhouse I'm not sure what pissed me off more, the fact that most sites insinuated I should know this guy as an establoshed blues artist but then come to find out he emerged in the 90's, or the fact that his name is too close to Craig Ferguson whom I had tickets last weekend for but missed it due to the assumption he was on Saturday (not Friday). I cried.
Hopscotch Machine Gun Madness from A Genuine Freakshow's DEBUT album Often times. This band is from the UK, and produced this album in 2010. However, they are just now surfacing American interest and the album is just now released here in the land of the dollar bill. Thank you for this. Love the song titles. Clever.
Bad Ghosts from The Raveonettes DEBUT album The Revonettes. They are from Denmark. Therefore I decided to challenge myself by linking them to Neil Diamond in 6 or less connections. Enjoy: The Raveonettes are a duo inspired by the Everly Brothers harmonious singing - and Neil Diamond plays the Everly Brothers flat top Gibson guitar.
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