Emerging from Brooklyn in '96, Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings have rotated band members and ban labels but Sharon and the funk have remained constant. Immediately I knew I would love the band, simply by the name. Getting down with your bad funk self doesn't happen with a lot of artists these days. You can see them April 1st at the Crystal Ballroom here in Portland. I just might.
"Red Dust" from James Vincent McMorrow's 2nd album Post Tropical
This Irish folksinger started his career just a few years ago. I noticed that James released this 2nd album of his on his 30th birthday, as I did research on how long he's been on this earth and in the music biz. "Early in the Morning", his first record released in 2010, brought him the honor recipient of the European Border Breakers Award. Impressive. What I love about James, he brings a little Irish funk with a John Legend seduction. For me that isn't Post Tropical, that IS Tropical.
"Bear Song" from Emily Conway's DEBUT EP "Folktown"
Dearest Emily Conway from Oregon City, I am thrilled and proud to say she is friend of mine. Her brilliant mind and gregarious spirit seeps out in her song lyrics and ukulele playing. Emily's jazzy voice and playful wink keeps one listening, hoping she never stops performing. Congratulations Emily, on your debut to the rest of the world. Your friends are finally ready to share your talents with the rest of the world.
"World of strange design" from Rosanne Cash's album The River and the Thread
If Joni Mitchell and Bonnie Raitt had a baby, and said baby recorded an album, this would be it. Surely you have guessed Ms Cash is the daughter of the Man in Black, and you would be right. What I didn't know is she toured with Johnny after high school, and although her debut album was a success it never flew because she got pregnant and couldn't tour to promote the record. Her work was acknowledged later in the music industry, and has done well for herself. This is a beautiful soulful album, full of imagination and dreamwork.
"High Hopes" from Bruce Springsteen's 18th album High Hopes
Our American posterboy, everyone wants a piece of Bruce. Appropriate title of an album, as we all have high hopes for a new album to be released by Mr. Springsteen. I have never been drawn to his music per se, but I do concur with the pedestal people have put him and his talents on. if I had a choice of going to see Glen Campbell or Bruce Springsteen, I would choose Glen, and did. All the while this album is a standard, the first track spoke to me the loudest. Great introduction number for a collection of general classic rock songs. I feel Bruce really broke out of his comfort zone with the title track, I am not sure I would have guessed it was him singing. To me, this is always a plus -- keep the audience and fans on their toes!!!!
"Where time stands still" from Mary Chapin Carpenter's album Songs from the movie
From Jersey, Mary's country-folk singing career started out as a hobby in '87. It wasn't until unemployment that she decided to pursue her musical flair as the real deal instead of a dab. The following snippet is from Wikipedia's page on Mary's hit single "He think's he'll keep her":
Written by Carpenter and Don Schlitz, the fast-paced song follows a 36-year-old homemaker who leaves her husband, and was inspired by a 1970s series of Geritol commercials in which a man boasts of his wife's seemingly limitless energy and her many accomplishments, then concludes by saying, "My wife ... I think I'll keep her." Carpenter said, "That line has always stuck with me. It's just such a joke." The single received a Grammy nomination for Record of the Year.
Well who can argue with such a brilliant sense of humor and truth? Not me. Mary's album "Songs from the movie" brought a tear to my eye. Beautiful poetic pieces of art that in fact do sound like they are from a movie scene.

This Irish folksinger started his career just a few years ago. I noticed that James released this 2nd album of his on his 30th birthday, as I did research on how long he's been on this earth and in the music biz. "Early in the Morning", his first record released in 2010, brought him the honor recipient of the European Border Breakers Award. Impressive. What I love about James, he brings a little Irish funk with a John Legend seduction. For me that isn't Post Tropical, that IS Tropical.
"Bear Song" from Emily Conway's DEBUT EP "Folktown"
Dearest Emily Conway from Oregon City, I am thrilled and proud to say she is friend of mine. Her brilliant mind and gregarious spirit seeps out in her song lyrics and ukulele playing. Emily's jazzy voice and playful wink keeps one listening, hoping she never stops performing. Congratulations Emily, on your debut to the rest of the world. Your friends are finally ready to share your talents with the rest of the world.

If Joni Mitchell and Bonnie Raitt had a baby, and said baby recorded an album, this would be it. Surely you have guessed Ms Cash is the daughter of the Man in Black, and you would be right. What I didn't know is she toured with Johnny after high school, and although her debut album was a success it never flew because she got pregnant and couldn't tour to promote the record. Her work was acknowledged later in the music industry, and has done well for herself. This is a beautiful soulful album, full of imagination and dreamwork.
"High Hopes" from Bruce Springsteen's 18th album High Hopes
"Where time stands still" from Mary Chapin Carpenter's album Songs from the movie
From Jersey, Mary's country-folk singing career started out as a hobby in '87. It wasn't until unemployment that she decided to pursue her musical flair as the real deal instead of a dab. The following snippet is from Wikipedia's page on Mary's hit single "He think's he'll keep her":
Written by Carpenter and Don Schlitz, the fast-paced song follows a 36-year-old homemaker who leaves her husband, and was inspired by a 1970s series of Geritol commercials in which a man boasts of his wife's seemingly limitless energy and her many accomplishments, then concludes by saying, "My wife ... I think I'll keep her." Carpenter said, "That line has always stuck with me. It's just such a joke." The single received a Grammy nomination for Record of the Year.
Well who can argue with such a brilliant sense of humor and truth? Not me. Mary's album "Songs from the movie" brought a tear to my eye. Beautiful poetic pieces of art that in fact do sound like they are from a movie scene.