Monday night I had the utmost pleasure of seeing Franz Ferdinand and Cold War Kids. After the tradition of a communication breakdown burger and pitcher(s) of Ruby at Ringlers, Anne and I headed on up to check out the Kids.
They had already started, as we moved straight on over to the concert tee's being sold. (usual routine) They regretfully weren't selling buttons but Anne bought a sweet Franz shirt. As we were in line, I found myself bopping to the Kids sound. They really were catchy. I thought they sounded like if Jet and Rocca deLuca had a love child, it would be the Cold War Kids.... Really impressed with their set. Loads of energy. I wasn’t too familiar with their music… only one song on my pod. Hang me out to dry).Love it. Forgot it was from the Kids and was very excited to hear more of their music. They immensely lived up to my expectations! There wasn’t a moment I was bored from hearing new music, nor was I not moving and shaking my ass to the beat. I will definitely be downloading or even (gasp!) buying their music soon. GREAT band to compliment Franz Ferdinands style. The first time I saw Franz they were coupled with Death Cab for Cutie… and you’d think they would mesh well but the didn’t at alllll for me. Franz opened for the Cuties, which was a mistake. Not only did Franz blow the Cuties out of the water with their Outsiders encore, something happened to me that had never before happened: I fell asleep during the Cuties. Swear. Asleep. Couldn’t keep my eyes open. I have a love / hate relationship with the Cuties, and would see them live again.. just gonna make sure I get enough sleep and drink tons of Redbull. I was on my feet during Franz…especially when Alex, Bob, and Nick all helped out Paul on the drums during the finale of “Outsiders” which isn’t my favorite song but the effin NAIL it and it’s a song that’s totally underrated. Did I mention that the Cuties got on stage for that part?
To my surprise, they pulled it off a second time Monday night. It was really so very cool. Check it out:
Yes that’s them. All playing the drums. I didn’t even care that they encored with the same song as last time – it was at the Crystal Ballroom this time (as opposed to the Memorial Coliseum…booooo….). I truly enjoyed myself. Even considering where I am at in my life, I was really able to let go and have fun. I was exhausted from a night of little sleep before, and yet exhilarated from the power of the music. (music can almost always alter my state of mind).
So AFTER the Cold War Kids rocked the Ballroom, came the headliner Franz Ferdinand. Hot on the Kids heals, Franz knocked the socks off everyone in the room. There wasn’t a lot of mingling and standing around. Anne and I were ecstatic they played our favorites back to back (Michael and Dark Of The Matinee). Jumping up and down like acrobats on a trampoline, we voiced all the words along with Alex and the rest of the audience, grinning so wide we looked like model, idiots. (yes that’s typed that way on purpose)
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Can I just say that even though they aren’t my favorite ever, they put on one hell of a show and I will be forever attending as long as they keep making sweet music. I am oh so looking forward to their new album to be released in January. (should be January 27th…) If they don’t I will go “evil and heathen” all over their asses.
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So… cheers to a fantastic duo of bands… cheers to the future husband of Anne who asked if she need “anything else” at Ringlers… and cheers to Vampire Weekend … cuz I’m seeing them tonight at their sold out show at the Crystal. (I shoulda bought stock on that place…)
** right after I finished writing this review my internet has been down and I just got it back up. Vampire Weekend will be written shortly...
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