There are some absolutely wonderdul artists, albums, songs and music news this week. I didn't want to leave anyone out. Enjoy.
Beyond the veil - Abigail Williams - Becoming
The band Abigail Williams genre has been described as 'metalcore'. Intriging. Not something that draws me in on a regular basis, I confess. But this Nordic influenced Arizona native will be playing at the Hawthorne Theater here in Portland February 17th to promote her third album Becoming. (and again at the Hawthorne March 19th.). I hear the Nordic flavor in this song particicularly. Not the other tracks I had the chance to review. Beyond the veil is a 17 minute instrumental that an adventure scifi fil has to pick up for their soundtrack. The heavy high scortching screams in the other songs metalcore me out of my skin. This song transforms me to the hills of Rohan or Gondor, and I am looking for Gandalf. Like another review of 'Becoming' I read says, it's a perfect winter season album.
Love like rain from Cardinal's album Hymns
I don't feel like this album is as good as their self titled album previously released (Cardinals). It was difficult for me to select a track for this playlist, since to my ears each one sounded like the same droning, errrr HYMN... Guess after 18 years playing of 'chamber pop' they think they ain't broke.
Guilty as charged -from Chairlift Something
Saw this band back in 08-09 or so at the Doug Fir. Haven't forgotten. Love their song Evident Utensil. It's bizarre, unique, energetic, and makes me laugh like a playground teaser. Their new album Something seems to be a bit more mature, still incorporating the quirky style voice of Caroline Polachek. They will be playing at the Doug Fir again, April 8. Would anyone like to join me?
Stay useless from Cloud Nothings - Attack On Memory
What does 'Lofi" mean as a music genre? Well this Ohio groups produced 3 albums since 2009. And joy of joys they will fly in to my City of Roses March 5th at Holocene. They are peppy and generic.
Nothing wrong with their sound, I'm sure many would hop on the bouncy floor of the Crystal to listen to them. Perhaps I've met too many musicians who sound, play, and just ARE too much like this and I'm borrred.
Honolulu blues from Craig Finn's solo album Clear Heart. Mr Finn is the frontman for The Hold Steady.
I do love this band. This Finns album is a bit Tom Petty but with the spice needed by Jarvis Cocker. I'd rock out to this guy I've. He's got a message. He's a writer. A musician. A Frontman. Soloist. I now know his name, and will try not to forget. He will be at the Doug Fur 2/23 if you want to nod your head along with me.
Odi Et Amo - Elizaveta - Beatrix Runs how do you make into Pop and be a professionally trained opera singer? Ask Elizaveta. Holy shit. She blows any indie songstress out of the water when it comes to her oooos and ahhhhs. Like Minnie Driver said when casted in Phantom of the Opera, you either are classically trained or you aren't. She wasn't and her voiced was dubbed in the film. Elizaveta will knock your socks off with her voice.
Emmylou by First Aid Kit - The Lion's Roar
This is beautifully folky, as she sings as the bitter wind comes blowin in I already miss the summer. This is exactly what the cover suggests: free love, free life, free. Sometimes I wonder if a white woman is the worst specimen to be in 2012 but then I realize its what you make of it that means something. Only their sophomore album, I am sure we will hear more from them. Or at least Portland can April 12 At the, yes you called it, Doug Fir. And no, the Doug Fir does NOT pay me (nor recognize me in any fashion) to promote their shows...
Oh my God from Grace Woodroofe - Always Want
I love this debut album from Grace. Holy cow. Sexy, bluesy poetic. Poignant. Classic. Not your normal 21yr old girls first cd release sound! She was discovered by the late Heath Ledger when she was just 16, and her song 'H' from this album is honoring him. I didn't pick this song for my playlist, but please listen to it. So heartbreakinlgy beautiful. Oooooh my god. Thank you, Grace. Why the world is just hearing about you for the first time this is sinful.
I'm through from Ingrid Michaelson's new album Human Again. Everytime I hear and Ingrid song I say to myself - who is that, I need this song'. This is her 5th album, which means there a songs -a-plenty that I will want! The precious cover of the album was created by Joe Sorren, an artist often in the New Yorker and Rolling Stone Magazine.

As selfish as this is for me to say, I hope I get the album when I see Ingrid Wednesday. The as says you get an autographed album with your concert ticket. However, since my tickets were won (BY ME) I don't know if that qualifies me or not. Oh boy! Something more think about! I will blog (and brag) about the concert after 2/1.
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