We are alive from Bruce Springsteens 17th studio album Wrecking Ball
I had no desire to listen to Bruce's' music after hearing him open for the Grammys this year, promoting his upcoming Wrecking Ball. He sounded messy, angry, and arrogant. But this 21 Grammy winner, 2 time Golden Globe winner, and Academy Award winner proved me wrong. I'm a fan of Wrecking Ball. And I'll betcha when Rolling Stone Magazine is compiling the best of 2012, Springsteen will be included.
If you will have me from Kaiser Chiefs 5th album Start the Revolution without Me
I absolutely love KC's song Ruby so much, it makes me want to jump up and down and flap my wings. The violins in this new track are stunning, tho the song seems a little dreary. Go see them at the Wonder Ballroom last week March 5th. Oops sorry.
The Shakedown from Yellow Ostrich's album Strangelands.
So much fun fun fun. The artwork of the album matches the rest of the tracks - slightly depressing but intriguing and you wait for it to pull you in. I believe this is these New Yorkers second album. Mississippi Studios will be hosting Yellow Ostrich March 26th. Oh and they will be at the Sasquatch Festival as well.

Heavy Metal from White Rabbits album Milk Famous.
Never having been in Jackpot Records on Hawthorne, I had a blast previewing this album there. This is the albums first track, and the best one in my opinion. Milk Famous is the third album from the White Rabbits band of Missouri. I know, Heavy Metal doesn't sound like a song I'd pick, or even kind of like, but it is. Sneak to the Doug Fir March 22nd and see what I mean!
Lusitania from Andrew Birds album Break it Yourself
Andrew. His website tour link is called 'Bird Sightings'. Wikipedia names is whistling technique as an instrument. Bird was part of a band prior to his solo stardom. His solo career started after he ended up on stage alone unplanned and was an immediate success. This is a beautifully written song, even NPR played this track this morning during an interview with Bird. He has a BA in Violin Performance, and in the NPR interview explains that the sound from the violin vibrates with the whistling and the reaction changes what we expect the violin to show. Can you imagine what that would sound like at the Arlene Schnitzer April 11th?
Andrew in Drag from Magnetic Fields 10th album Love at the Bottom of the Sea
I love this track. The title makes me laugh. The artwork is comical and intriguing to me. The Magnetic Fields are known for their sense of humour, and I can see why. Another beloved track off this album is 'Infatuation with your gyration'. The band is from Boston, emerging in '89. I woulda guessed more St Elmos Fire era... March 21st at the Roseland!!! Being that's Mom's birthday
I will probably not be attending. Something tells me taking her to the show as a present wouldn't gyrate' her.

Sweet Moment from Bowerbirds 4th album The Clearing.
This folkband is a lil lowkey. Perfect for a Saturday morning. I really like their album Hymn for a dark rose. Perhaps a little better. But this soft easy morning stroll sound can't go wrong in my little world.
Citizen from Ceremony's 4th album Zoo.
These Punks from are from Cali. I think I'm too old for Ceremony. They will be at the Branx 4/6. Just so hardcore... However I love that they are influenced by Joy Division, Pink Floyd, and Tom Waits. I respect that.
Please don't go away from The Men's album Open your Heart.
A little country, rock n roll, and Beach Boys surfin woo woo woo. That's all I got. Just don't go away.
Honey Suckle from Xiu Xiu's 8th album Always
Honestly, I am completely put off by most of the track titles. Another art-rock band from Cali circa '02. Yeah probably not a fan of this slighly uncomfortable sound.
The very last time from Todd Snyders latest Agnostic Hymns and Stoners Fables
Oooh Todd. What can I say. He's from Portland, I've attended his shows twice and loved both. Effin hilarious, like if Bob Dylan exposed a sense of humour, it wouldd sound sound like Todd. Love this guy. Go see him at the Aladdin April 18th.
Everytime I dies album Ex Lives. Oh no no no. They say 'alternative', I say growling into the mic like hatred at its utmost expression.
It hurts every time from Good Old Wars album Come back rain
I can relate to the lyrics so painfully I probably will sit out on their live show at the Aladdin March 28th. Pretty bluegrass indie alternative folkster sounds here. And it hurts every time...
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