Mexicoma from Tim McGraw's 12th album Two Lanes of Freedom
Marrying Faith Hill was the smartest thing this man has done. He has 11 albums debut #1 on Bilboard charts. Tim started in the music buzz in 1992, and is from Los Angeles. Not many country stars are from California!
Happy from Holly Williams 3rd album The Highway

Known as part of the duo Richard and Linda Thompson... He is from the UK and been rocking since 1967. Just some old school rock and roll that matches the rockin album art. Indeed. Electric. I'm boogin in my seat to the sound.
Life less ordinary fromThe Bronx 6th album IV

are not from the Bronx. They are a hardcore band from Los Angeles. If I was marketing and/or managing a band, I would create a website exactly like The Bronx. Seriously. However, I can't get into this kind of music. I try but you know what they say - fool once, you can't make the horse drink the water.
Kinda Fuzzy from Eels 10th album Wonderful - Glorious

Yes a band from my hometown Portland. They just emerged in 2010 and I stretched my taste to pick a track from this album. I hate hatin on the locals. But we got to keep Portland weird somehow.
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